Who We Are
What We Do
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FRA looks out for the interests of the Sea Service community; they are our “Shipmates.”  The association was founded by Navy Chief Yeoman George L. Carlin and chartered November 11, 1924 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The mission is to speak as “one voice” for the protection of pay, benefits and quality-of-life issues for our Active Duty, Reserve, Retirees and Veterans of the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. Our slogan of Loyalty Protection and Service gets its origins from our founders’ beliefs in:

  • Loyalty, one owes to God and country, loyalty to the Navy, to its glorious traditions, and the loyalty one  owes to his Shipmates.
  • Protection, of one’s country, by advocating an adequate Navy to insure peace, to provide protection to our Shipmates (active, reserve, and retired)  by furthering or sponsoring measures beneficial to all. 
  • Service, the rendering of services in every possible way to our members and their families.

There is a network of nearly 150 FRA Branches and Units across the United States, as well as other countries. Each takes great pride in their community work, serving those who serve.

The FRA VSF looks to our corporate partners and the general public to provide the appropriate financial support to ensure that mission of the FRA continues for those serving and have served our military, and their families.

The FRA Veterans Service Foundation has received approval from the Internal Revenue Service to operate as an independent “501 (c)(3)” charitable non-profit foundation under the IRS Code of 1986, and all contributions are exempt from federal tax under Section 170 (c)(2) of such Code.

For more information about our foundation and how you can become involved.

Contact us at: INFO@FRAVSF.ORG